Locksmith Tools

Locksmith Tools used to unlock your home or car? You’ve been locked out of your home or vehicle and must be wondering, exactly how a locksmith can help? How can they open my car? How do they open my house door? Locksmith come with the tools of the trade and are able to open any […]
Automotive Security

Automotive Security Tips Automotive Security has never been more of a risk than in our current times. Car thieves are also taking advantage of new technologies in the shape and form of relay devices. These devices are able to intercept your key signal from inside your home. This means that a sought after vehicle or […]
Deadbolts double or single cylinder

Deadbolt single or double cylinder What’s the difference between a single or double cylinder deadbolt? Essentially, a single has a key entry point on the outside and a latch to open on the inside. Where as, a double cylinder deadbolt is key entry/open on the outside and the inside. Typically, this double sided lock is […]
Remote Access Locks

Remote Access Locks Remote access locks, otherwise, known as smart locks have become very popular in recent years. For good reason, this new style of lock offers better security and great ease of access. Many styles are available and affordable. Overall, they are a better buy than standard locks and easy to install and set […]
Master Keys

Master Keys Master Key system are often used in commercial, residential and institutional sites Moreover, they offer better security and ease of access to the right person. Furthermore, they will help improve safety and proper access, overall. Thus, keeping everything running smoothly! If you like to run a tight ship and keep access control to […]
Fast Car Unlock

Fast Car Unlock Service Car Unlock, what to do? Well, guaranteed, this can be one of the worse events to happen during your busy day! Lockout of your vehicle and you can see the keys! As well, you are angst, unnerved and out of sorts. If you have a spare that can be brought quickly, […]
Secure your home

Secure Your Home Being Prepared is Key! Whether you are away or at home, securing your home in preparedness make for an easier and safer environment! Thus, allowing you to enjoy your family and friends and keep everyone and everything safe. Check your neighbourhood to keep ahead of any criminal trends. Vacation or Stay-cation or […]
Mailbox Service

Mailbox Lock Mail Security Security of your mailbox or mail unit is very important in this day and time. After all, we are in the age of identity thief and otherwise, we would still like our mail secure. Many important correspondences still come through the mail. Mostly, credit card information and cheques. Overall, any mail […]
Reasons to Change Locks

Reasons to Change your locks What might be the reasons to change Ultimately, our suggestions are to change your locks and upgrade your security at anytime you feel unsafe. Whether due to a rash of break-ins or a lost key, it’s always ideal to change the locks out, if you are worried. Most importantly, this […]
Airbnb lockout

Airbnb Lockout Who do you call and what do you do for an Airbnb Lockout? Airbnb Help Line Airbnb Lockout What are the steps you need to take to resolve an Airbnb Lockout. First up, try to call the Airbnb host. Mostly, they may have a solution or remote access. Moreover, they could be around […]